Tips & Guides

How To Become A Caddy: 6 Steps To A Career in Golf

To become a caddy, you must not only master the mechanics of golf but also build a professional network, and more. Here’s how to become a caddy: Master Course Management Volunteer Get Certified Network Apply for Professional Caddy Jobs Continuing Learning That’s right, it’s not as simple as just submitting a resume. I’ve employed many caddies in my day, so I am happy to report that this job is fantastic — if you know what you’re doing. Here are the 7 steps you can start today to get a job as a professional caddy. This isn’t just a general list.

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Average Golf Club Distances: Charts for All Skill Levels

Interested in knowing how far you should be able to hit a ball with a specific club? We found out. Here are some estimated golf club distances a newer golfer could aim for: Driver: 225 yards 3 Wood: 205 yards 5 Wood: 190 yards 4 Iron: 175 yards 5 Iron: 165 yards 6 Iron: 155 yards 7 Iron: 145 yards 8 Iron: 135 yards 9 Iron: 125 yards PW: 120 yards SW: 90 yards Your distances will vary, and I advise clients to hit the range with all of your clubs to find your exact distances. Read on because you

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Types of Golf Clubs: Beginner’s Guide + Photos

The types of golf clubs include drivers, woods, hybrids, irons, wedges, and putters. For beginners, it is worth knowing their pros and cons, too. It can be confusing to remember all of the golf club names initially. There is quite a bit to remember about each type of club, but we have compiled a comprehensive guide for you all here. Each section will go through the basics of each golf club, the names of golf clubs with pictures, and their uses – hopefully, it will be educational for you. I know when I was building my first set of golf

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How To Stop Topping The Golf Ball

To stop topping the ball, you get longer clubs, place the ball further back, or work on how your clubhead impacts your ball (so it’s not too high). As a PGA Professional and instructor, I’ve noticed that newer players commonly top the ball, but better players are not immune to occasionally topping a shot. In this article, I will cover a few tips to help you if you have contact issues and are topping the golf ball. I will give three drills I use with my students to improve ball contact. These drills include videos demonstrating a couple of them.

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14 Golf Exercises For Seniors To Make You More Mobile

Golf exercises for seniors can significantly extend their playing years, focusing on increasing mobility and preventing injury.  Here are the 5 best exercises for older golfers: Cable Golf Shot – Best Resistance Training Shoulder Scaption – Best Exercise with Resistance Bands Sitting Hip Stretches – Best Golf Stretch Ankle Rotations Low Lunge Stretch Incorporating exercises that mimic golf swings, like airplane twists and arm circles, is particularly beneficial before rounds and training sessions.  These 14 exercises can help you build a full-body workout for seniors to keep your body and score in tune.  Editor’s Note: I’m a NASM-certified personal trainer

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How To Compress A Golf Ball: 5 Easy Steps

The key to compressing a golf ball is in your lower body movements. You’ll want to initiate your downswing with your hips, often called a “hip bump” or slide. To do this, push off with your right foot as you finish your backswing, causing a leftward ‘slide’ of the hip. Although you won’t want to miss the step-by-step process below, including drills, and the slight differences when hitting irons and drivers. I don’t think compressing the golf ball is just about adding power; it’s about technique, timing, and understanding the mechanics. I’ve seen seasoned golfers struggle, and new golfers figure

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7 Best Low Compression Golf Balls: Pros & Cons of Using Them

The Bridgestone e12 Contacts are your best bet for low-compression balls since the weird dimple design helps with accuracy. Plus, they help your short-game spin, a place to drop some strokes easily. But they’re not for everyone. Here are my top 3 low compression golf ball picks: Low compression golf balls are great for beginners because they can significantly enhance your distance. They are engineered to compress more easily upon impact, translating to greater distance — especially beneficial if your swing speed isn’t quite Tour-level yet. One of our writers, Matt Callcott-Stevens, loves low-compression golf balls like the Srixon Q-Star

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Defeating The Duck Hook Golf Shot: Causes, Fixes, Drills

A golf duck hook shot sees the ball fly low off the clubface before viciously curving to the left for right-handers. Naturally, the ball flies to the right side of the hole if you are left-handed. The reduced energy transfer and sidespin, coupled with ball speed drop-off, see your ball travel further sideways than forwards. This results in losing distance, accuracy, and consistency on full shots. Read on because if you don’t understand what causes a duck hook and how to stop it, you may never reach your potential. After reading this guide, you will possess the diagnosis and cure

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Juju Golf Swing Explained: Does It Work Or Is It Just Hype?

The Juju golf swing is a new theory on how to swing the club. The main focus is on the takeaway, making it easier to narrow the club on the downswing and create more lag. This claims to help people avoid over-the-top swings that create huge slices. You may have seen something like this by PGA Tour star Matthew Wolff. While the Juju swing and Wolff have no connection, they both apply similar mechanics that produce shocking results. The mechanics are easy to understand, but to take full advantage, this article is focused on explaining the Juju golf swing from

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PGA TOUR Superstore Club Fitting Review: A PGA Pro’s Experience

I recently took one of my students for a full bag fitting at our local PGA TOUR Superstore in Altamonte Springs, FL. In doing so, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to do a professional PGA TOUR Superstore Club Fitting review. Our PGA TOUR Superstore full bag fitting was an amazing experience for us. Our fitter, Charles Moore, was a master fitter with over 20 years of experience. He used high-end technology like the Trackman Launch Monitor and SAMPuttLab putting analysis tools and software to diagnose any issues. The three-hour session ran through all of the clubs

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